Heeling Session

What we once deeply loved we can never lose. ~ Helen Keller

Heeling Session


Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love.

The only cure for grief is to grieve. ~ Earl Grollman

I am passionate about the acknowledgment of pet loss and how significant it is for people in their healing process. Experiencing profound grief myself is really what started me down the road in this type of photography years ago. When Kirby passed away, I had just been given a beautiful new macro lens for my ten year wedding anniversary…and all I could do was take photos of his things. It connected me to him and brought back memories of all our years together.
It is with this same connection and passion that I created my Heeling Cards™ line, so that I can be a small part of the healing process of others. And now…I find myself adding this package to the services available for those who have lost… who are wanting to memorialize a few of their pet’s cherished things. Please contact me directly for information on this service.
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